Electrical and Electronic Engineering constantly influences the way we live from the latest consumer products to sophisticated industrial technologies. The subject involves a wide range of topics that are in great demand in modern society. The Electrical and Electronic Engineering program offers comprehensive educational programs. The curriculum covers a diverse range of subjects, namely, electrical circuit design, power electronics, computer programming, control and automation, digital logic circuits and computer systems, electrical systems, and semiconductor technology. As the result, graduates of the school are able to readily meet any requests in public or private sectors.
- Kim, Soung Won
- Catholic University of Taegu
- swkim@anyang.ac.kr
- Kim, Young-reol
- Seoul National University
- yrkim@anyang.ac.kr
- Seo, Sam-jun
- Korea University
- ssj@anyang.ac.kr
- Yoo, Jae-Tack
- University of Utah
- jtyoo@anyang.ac.kr
- Won, Jong Ryul
- Seoul National University
- jrwon@anyang.ac.kr