Urban Information Engineering is an inter-disciplinary study that concerns it students with the most sensible and effective planning, management and development of urban space to ensure pleasant and safe urban life for residents. It is also a comprehensive study in the sense that it combines traditional urban engineering and information technology producing and managing diverse information related to urban space. Graduates of Urban Information Engineering will become resourceful and creative professionals with thorough understanding of functional and aesthetic aspects of urban life.
- Jang, June-Ho
- University of Tokyo
- jhjang@anyang.ac.kr
- Kim, Ju Hyun
- Kyoto University
- jhkim@anyang.ac.kr
- Cho, Kyuyoung
- University of Southern California
- kyuyoung@anyang.ac.kr
- Jung, Il-Hoon
- Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute
- ihchung@anyang.ac.kr
- Hong, S. K.
- Ohio State University
- skhong@anyang.ac.kr
- Lee, Jeong-sik
- University of Hawaii
- leejs@anyang.ac.kr